The Discovery Game

Here in Advisor.Travel we always try to provide the members of our community with the most interesting and relevant information for them. In order to determine what you like and where you've been, let's play a simple game: we will show you pictures of popular sites and attractions all over the world, and you - answer whether you have been there already, if you like it or show the place no. To do this, click on the appropriate button above the photo. Let's start!

Capadocia (en turcu: Kapadokya; en griegu Καππαδοκία; en armeniu Կապադովկիա) ye una rexón histórica de Anatolia Central, en Turquía, que toma partes de les provincies de Kayseri, Aksaray, Ninğde y Nevşehir. Capadocia caracterizar por tener una formación xeolóxica única nel mundu y pol so patrimoniu históricu y cultural. Nel añu 1985, foi incluyida pola Unesco na llista del Patrimoniu de la Humanidá, con una zona protexida de 9576 hai.