Muséu Exipciu del Cairu

El Muséu Exipciu del Cairu, agora nomáu tamién Muséu d'Antigüedaes del Cairu, ye un muséu dotáu d'unos vastos fondos arqueolóxicos exipcios de toda clase, que s'atopa situáu na capital, El Cairu. Dependiente del Conseyu Supremu d'Antigüedaes, organismu gubernamental encargáu del patrimoniu hestóricu del país, que depende a la so vegada del Ministeriu de Cultura.

Anque los oxetos más apreciaos son los rellacionaos con Tutankhamon (especialmente la so máscara d'oru), el muséu poseye oxetos de toles dinastíes, de la más distinta naturaleza, dende oxetos d'usu diariu a les momies de faraones y altos personaxes. En total, los oxetos espuestos calcúlense en 136.000 (otres fontes indiquen 120.000), otros varios centenares de miles tán conservaos n'almacenes.

El muséu foi creáu en 1835 nun intentu del gobiernu por detener la exportación incontrolada de tou tipu d'artefactos antiguos. Abrió les sos puertes en 1858 coles colecciones recoyíes por Aguste Mariette, arqueólogu francés al serviciu d'Isma'il Pasha. Nel 1880 el muséu taba situáu nel mesmu llar d'Isma'il Pasha en Giza. En 1900 el muséu alquier la so actual sede, un edificiu d'estilu neoclásicu, construyíu a posta, na Plaza Tahrir, nel centru del Cairu.

La Sala de les momies, que contién 27 momies reales d'época antigua, foi pesllada al públicu en 1981, por orden del entós presidente exipciu, Anwar Sadat. Dende 1985 foi reabierta con una seleicción de momies de reis y reines del Reinu Xoven, de les que sólo ye visible'l rostru.

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5 December 2023
Membawa jamaah umroh plus Cairo singgah di musium Fir\'aun
Dave Mc
31 August 2018
You can get a lot closer to the exhibits than you'd expect and really see some amazing history up close. Many exhibits, especially Tut are on tour often though, and may not be onsite when you visit.
Daniele P
5 September 2015
Camera must be left at the reception near to the courtyard's entrance but you can bring your mobile with you. Lots of amazing items and just few labels: take a private guide if you want to know more.
Rowan Wernham
22 November 2014
If you can get a good deal on a private tour (you can) it's worth it here.. Nothing is marked or labelled too well and it would be easy to miss some amazing backstory on many things.
Mohammad Abusharif
8 November 2015
The best museum i have ever visited, the Content and the size of the things here are indescribable! Don't forget to check the mummies that needs special tickets
Rabii Kalboussi
24 August 2013
You'd better be ready for a long journey in the museum! Its HUGE and something that you have never seen before! Make sure you have a brochure because there are not many explanations
David Ladera
21 May 2018
Even if you have to pay extra, the royal mummy room is a must. Sunday’s evenings museum is open, ticket is more expensive but it is less crowded.
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